Try This Instead of Resolutions


Happy New Year! With the new year, comes new resolutions. I don’t like making resolutions because, like most people, I feel like I cannot keep them.

Last year, I read an article that talked about choosing a word instead of making a resolution. Genius!

Last year my word was “intentional” and I did my best to be intentional in all my actions.

In 2022, I am choosing “faithful”. I am a natural planner and like to have my day, week, year, all planned out. I have accepted that I do not have control over the events or situations in my life. Instead, I am making the decision to work hard and be faithful that my dreams and desires will work out the way God has planned. It’s all on his timeline and not mine. I’m ready for you, 2022!

What’s your word for the year? Whatever you decide, I hope you have the best year ever!


Welcome March!


Merry Christmas!