We Will Never Forget

Where were you when the first plane hit the World Trade Center Towers at 8:46 on September 11, 2001?  I remember the day very well because I was home that morning watching the news.  This was unusual for me, but I happened to be home because I was two weeks overdue with my second son. 


As I watched footage of the second plane hitting the second tower at 9:03, all I could think about was the families, who’s lives would never be the same.  I thought about the many children, close to my son’s age who may never know their parents.  It was a very sad day for all of us.


Nineteen years after September 11, 2001, we continue to honor the sacrifice made by our brothers and sisters in police, fire and emergency medical services. After what happened on 9/11, two things that are important to remember: Never Forget and Never Again. God Bless America!







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