A Champion Within

Today I watched a you-tube video about the story of Hailey Kinsel and her great horse Sister.  She was asked what advice would she give to all the girls who look up to her.  Her answer was a great one.  She said, “Do the best with what you’ve got.”

We cannot all be blessed with Hailey’s riding talent or the amazing horse she took a chance on as a 2 year old.  The man who trained started Sister said that that the stars were aligned perfectly for them. She was the right person to get the best out of that horse.  It is the coolest thing to watch as barrel racer. We have see these great teams before with Charmayne and Scamper, Sherry Cervi and Stingray, Nellie Miller and Sister..to just name a few.  These amazing team match ups are rare.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are riding...make that horse the best it can be. If means riding with a trainer, investing in proper veterinary care, or just giving your horse the daily riding time and care that they need.  It’s really about bringing the best out of you and your animal. Remember, there is Champion that lives within all of us!


Happy 4th of July


Barrel Racing