Happy Thanksgiving! Your windows are clean enough.

This Thanksgiving, I urge everyone to be in the moment.

Take a breath and be grateful when you are asked for the hundredth time if you need help in the kitchen.  Stop what you are doing and greet each person with a hug when they arrive.

Appreciate that you have a tribe to enjoy during the holidays and the means to host such a wonderful feast.

Say a prayer at dinner and have everyone give their thanks around the table. Sit back and take it all in because the meals that took you all day to prepare will be devoured in 10 minutes!

Have some extra pie in the kitchen with your aunts and mom. Sit on the couch with your family and watch the 20th football game of the day.  

Your windows are clean enough.  Don’t worry that the kids are wearing their boots in the house.  The Turkey will be moist enough even though you forgot to buy the baking bag. You don’t need to re-paint or remodel! It’s fine. It’s all fine. There will be plenty of everything and you will improvise where you need to.  Jeans and a t-shirt is fine to wear, especially when you are wearing an apron all day. 

They are always awkward moments with family, but this is not the day to fix someone or get something off your chest.

Your Dad may cancel, the favorite football team may lose…..it’s ok.

Don’t stress and miss the beauty of the day.  We are blessed with life, family, and time that we will never get back.   Take it all in and remember what’s important.  

Be truly Thankful this Thanksgiving.


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